Wehave around 520 different models of used mobile phones. We deal in UsedGrade A, B, C & BER Mobile Phones of almost all the big brandswhich are present in our warehouse ready for collection, inspection orimmediate shipment.
We ship out goods anywhere in the world and provide next day delivery anywhere in Europe at a certain cost.
We also have about 50 Touch screen mobile phones coming In every day at very competative rates.
we are the only Used mobile phone wholesale who provide 30 days warranty on their Grade A & B Handsets.
Ifyou are interested to buy these handsets please note that they all comewith used battery and if there is any manufacturers warranty stillvalid customers can claim that as well.
Stock will be either Sim free, locked or unlocked on any network.
All handsets will be of UK Specifications.
Please book an appointment to come see and meet us.
If you would like a stock list please contact us and we will email it across to you.